Friday, 5 October 2012

Not Hayley

Something very scary just happened to me and I want everybody to read this. Let me put this into perspective: I’m about 5’3” and weight 129 pounds. Most of that weight is muscle, and fat in my butt. ;] I eat the right amount of food. Sometimes too much but I work out a lot. Lately not as much as usual. Anyway, I was lying in my bed this morning and all of a sudden I got this really sharp pain right by my heart. I felt like I was getting stabbed in the heart. It lasted for about 15 seconds. My thoughts were racing and I was trying to breathe heavy to get it to go away and I thought I was going to die. And this is the part where it applies to every single one of you. I’ve tried to take my life before, I’ve wanted to die so many times in my life, but when I felt like something was going to kill me without my control, all of those thoughts stopped. In my mind I was begging I would be okay. No matter how much you hate the world, no matter how much you hate yourself, there are answers that are better than death. Believe me. There are people that love you. I love you, for crying out loud. There are people who would be a wreck if you were gone. There is a reason we are all on this Earth, I promise you, even if you don’t see it now. And if you’re feeling alone, know that the world can be a lonely place but it would be lonelier without you in it.”
This quote has been wrongly attributed to Hayley for years now. The only line out of this that Hayley said was "And if you’re feeling alone, know that the world can be a lonely place but it would be lonelier without you in it", which she said in a tumblr post dedicated to the teenager's who committed suicide due to bullying.

The rest of the post was written by someone on livejournal back in 2007. Not Hayley. Need proof that Hayley Williams never said this? Look at this tweet:
"I never said any of that :/ Some girl said it and put my name on it. Totally sucks!"
And if that wasn't enough, she also posted on tumblr about this incident. She removed the post soon after, but someone managed to copy it before it was deleted:
“I am lucky to have never had a single doubt in my mind that I want to be alive. Even when I was in a lot of pain, physical or emotional. when people come up to me and tell me that they tried to kill themselves or that they wanted to die, I can’t directly relate to that. But I can relate to pure, intense, and overwhelming pain. The kind that feels like you are dying, somewhere on the inside. The only difference between me and someone who has tried to take their life, or wants to, is that in 21 years, I have never been without hope. I won’t compromise my hope for anything or anyone. It is a life force. If you are young, your greatest weapon is hope. It’s stronger now than it will ever be. You just have to find it. Hold on tight to it and don’t let anyone steal it from you. And if they try to, then move on and leave them in the dust. Anyways, it’s 6am and these are just my rambling thoughts.”


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