On whether or not he's kept in contact with the band:
"I've kept up with them a little bit. Me and Taylor live in the same town and we have the same group of friends. I've spoken to him a few times and it's been fine. It's like being up with a girl, so it's been awkward, but I just wish them the best now. It was the best thing for everybody. I'm not saying that so fans will like me, I'm completely genuine. I didn't think I'd feel this way, certainly not so soon."About the split:
"About a year before I quit, I was feeling like I should quit and I sought advice from lots of people about it. After talking to lots of people, they all pretty much said to me 'Stick it out for one year and then tell me how you feel'. I really tried to give it 100% in that year. But, when it came to decide, I still felt the same. I knew I had to go in a different direction, I knew it was right. I knew how good the thing I was had, but I needed to reinvent myself. I don't like the idea that I did things just because my brother did them. I made sure the band knew when I left that I'd made my own mind up, I sat them down separately and made sure they knew it had nothing to do with him, I really had my own reasons for deciding to leave. I didn't need Josh's approval for what I decided."On why he had not spoken publicly for so long:
"I didn't feel like I had much to say. There was no worth in giving lots of interviews. I wanted to have something to say and I didn't feel like I had that unless I had new music. I didn't want to leave the band and just go into full on interviews. I need to erase some of the bad and exhausting lifestyle. Once, when Josh and I got back off tour, we came home and our parents had gotten a divorce. So we came back and everything was different and I just started feeling like I'd missed out on so much stuff and important events. I loved touring and I loved playing in Europe, but I didn't love being away."On his feelings towards music:
"I had a lot of negative feelings towards music, it was the thing that took me away from my family and my home and I felt like it cost me my childhood. Now I see it as a blessing and I don't regret it, but I needed a year to see it like that. When I left the band, I just thought I'd be getting all that time back. I knew I was right to leave, I knew I needed to go. I felt like I had a little bit of depression and I was just not doing well. I've not wanted to do music, but I just didn't want to be away all the time. I'm so excited to be coming back now and I feel like I've grown into myself so much. I didn't want to do music until I'd gotten rid all of the negativity."On Josh's regrets about his blog post:
"Josh definitely regrets being so emotional right after he left. He stands by what he believes, but he has tried to make peace with everyone in the band about that letter. I know they're still not fond of him because it was so hurtful."About Paramore:
"I love all those guys, and girl. I don't know if they think so highly of me, but I hope they think of me reasonably well. In my last year, I know I had a really bad attitude. Having said that, I think the way I left the band, I think that was good. I apologised to them for being miserable and complaining. I don't think it'll be back to what I was, but I just wish them well. I never hated them, we disagree on a few things, but when I left, it wasn't an emotional decision, I really thought about it and I knew it was right."
"Both he and I don't want to act like we were never a part of that, we're still very proud of it. Neither of us want them to break up."
About Novel American's progress in finding a singer:
"We're still looking for our singer. We've been progressing, but we've not found our singer yet. We've been through a bunch of tryouts, some of them have been good and some of them have been bad. We just have this very specific singer in mind. It's not that people haven't been good, we have just something so specific that we want and it needs to fit absolutely. We're still figuring out what we want to sound like. We came from one genre of music. I mean since I was 13 and Josh was 15, so I think we don't want to stray from that entirely. But we've grown up into a lot of different styles and become a lot more diverse in our sound. We've got some prospects there and the writing's going really well. As soon as find our singer, we're going to be going hard at it."On his new projects:
"To step away from Paramore was such a huge challenge and to re-emerge again left me feeling really anxious. But I've decided to not worry about that. I think the people that follow me and follow my brother will go with us on whatever path we take. I expect people to be surprised by what it sounds like, but I hope they listen and judge it on its own merits. Say if Thom Yorke left Radiohead and did something as a solo rap thing, I'd still follow him because I love Thom Yorke. So if you love Paramore then I hope you'll like Novel American and HalfNoise."Sources can be found here, here, here and here
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